Dr. Iain Wallace


My name’s Iain Wallace. I’m lots of things. Professionally, hard to explain, but you can call me Dr. Wallace. I lead teams doing machiine learning, computer vision, perception and autonomous systems R&D if that makes sense to you. If it doesn’t, know that I strive to make machines smarter, and to help humans work with them better. Privately, I’m a geek. I love gadgets. Mobile. Riding bikes. Taking photos. Tinkering. Thinking.

Currently I’m between roles. Most recently I was the Director of Machine Learning and Tracking Research for Ultraleap. For the last 20+ years I’ve held other roles in robotics, autonomy and ML with titles like CTO, CSO, Chief Engineer etc. If you think you might know of the next opportunity for me, please get in touch.

You can find me, and contact me, on LinkedIn here.

Selected public talks and media are availible here.

An archive of my public research, and list of patents, is online here.

My Google Scholar profile is here.